About the holy spirit. It is fairly well established that everyone has free will; in that God does not coerce men to do things. Rather if their hearts are willing and right, then He will guide them as much as their hearts will allow. If God were to just take over a person and they had no choice in the matter, well then that would be as if man had no freedom in the matter, no choice, no free will. This is certainly not a desire of God. When the person is willing He will guide them. Most often thought men's hearts get in the way of what God is trying to do. This is not to say that God could not override their heart to achieve His will; rather He does not do anything that directly coerce men.
This has happened with the translation of the bible and the texts that were allowed into it.....the Bible's editors throughout history have erred on the extreme side of caution when considering what text should be allowed in. In the early church, like the first two hundred years, they let in more than made sense. What I mean is that they let so many addition texts in that they had major discrepancies in themes of books. Examples of this are the things that I mentioned in the first post that I made about the Gnostic. Some of their books were allowed in various early church locations. They completely contradicted each other in theme and purpose, thus these books were weeded out rather quickly. The idea was definitely 'Lets be sure to not take something out of holy writings that belong'. This ideology was good, but far to liberal and thereby damaging. [This is, I believe, what happened with the Catholic canon. St Jerome edited out what should have not been their in the first place. The OT of the Latin Bibles of the time were based of the Septuagint or LXX, which was not original Hebrew. Jerome took the original Hebrew and edited the Latin bibles from the original. For reason of why he took out the books and chapters he did look up the commentaires of St Jerome's Latin Vulgate.]
The above was just one of many examples of how alternate text found their way into orthodox circles. Another example that is very clear that men's hearts got in the way has been injection their own personal doctrine and dogmas into scripture. If a scripture did not fit their ideas, they simply edited it out or rearranged the text to fit what they wanted. This also happened with whole text of the bible. Regardless anything they added or took away caused their version of their bible to not be unified in its message. I hope that I did a fair job of introducing you to some of those thought in the earlier post that I made. The things taken away or added to the bible simply makes it were their is not a unified message. No text that I have read to this date (I have not read all the Dead Sea Scrolls or all the apocrypha of the OT) has fit in with the message of the canonized scriptures.
The WTBTS is very good at making up stories to 'fill in the blanks' around the scriptures. They create doctrines that they claim are inspired when they want to have more guidance than the scripture gives. The best example of this that I can think of off the top of my head is the blood doctrine. The NT or OT for that matter says very little about how blood is to be treated. They take what little is said and add things like; its ok to take fractions, just not whole blood components. Noting even close to this is said in scripture, but that does not stop them from saying that it is an inspired scripture. The same thing had happened throughout history, with the main difference being that they added what they wanted to directly into scripture.
There has also been stories like Lilith and the Infancy Gospel of Jesus. Here, many scholars believe that they are just interesting stories that were never intended to be taken as inspired scripture. There is also a parallel with the JW's. The are curious about what they think the New System will be like. So, they make up ideas about them, but they never assume of assert that those ideas are inspired, it is just some thing that is understood that is just fun speculation. Now if they were to write some of these speculations down and 2000 years from now they were found there would prob. be no textual notes that they are not inspired text. So, the people that found it would prob. assume that it was meant that they took these ideas seriously, only after a lot of investigation would they find that they were just stories that were intended to be nothing more. The same is story of Lilith and several other apocryphal text.
I hope that I am giving you some things that are helpful and cause you to think. These are subjects that take a lot of though, time, and hard research. I am far from done myself and hope that your journey can be as fulfilling as mine.